& Friday thoughts | 3.13.15

I don’t know what the weather is like where you are, but here in Madison it’s sit outside & eat/drink/be merry on a patio weather. But it’s also ice fishing on Lake Monona weather soooo… #Wiscoforlife

This spring-like weather made it nearly impossible to stay at my desk until 4:59 but I was fortunate to get out for a quick loop around the Capitol to break up the afternoon.

A few random, sunny day thoughts to share today.

-A statement in one of my books about twins claims that the high rate of twin/multiple births in Nigeria is due to their diet staple: yams. Since I don’t really fall into any of these other increased probability of twins categories, I’ve decided that our two babes MUST be a result of my obsession with sweet potatoes. Technically speaking, yams in African regions are very different than those that we call sweet potatoes, but the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture considers them the same so I’m going with it.

“No, twins don’t run in our family, I just really love sweet potatoes.”

Teen Witch is on Netflix. If you’ve never seen it, please watch it soon! It’s one of my all-time favorites. Hilariously, fantastically, cheesily 90s. I wanted to be Louise Miller for years. I just found this interview with Robyn Lively (aka THE Teen Witch, aka Blake Lively’s big sister) & it contains some of the best clips from the movie. TOP THAT!

-Speaking of Netflixish things, I was super productive last Saturday, which meant I was super desperate to do nothing last Sunday. I found Southern Charm OnDemand and obviously watched the entire first season. Oops? Mostly I blame Cameran for being so damn likeable but by the season finale I found myself even sort of loving the characters I initially hated. Bonus: Craig is pretty easy on the eyes.

-I’ve decided that I need to temporarily stop following Averie in an attempt to pass my upcoming gestational diabetes glucose test. I’m confident that at least one of these babies is going to favor Cookie Monster over any other Sesame Street character because I want to eat cookies all day, every day!!! And Averie has been absolutely killing me with her genius recipes lately. Chocolate Chip Cookie SkilletSamoas Cookie Pie!! Soft Batch Cream Cheese Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies!!! Make it stop!!!! But not really…

-If I could’ve had a real drink when I got home from work today, it totally would’ve been this Chambord Margarita. But since booze and babes don’t mix, we settled for an O’Douls with a little orange flavored sparkling water & a lime. Ahhhh…

Hope this Friday finds you smiling in the sunshine, wherever you may be!!

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